Friday, September 30, 2011

Sprinters/Hurdlers/Jumpers Fall Training Week Two

Since Labor Day (Holiday)landed on Monday and our Explosive Strength Workout needed to be done that day I made it optional. A lot of kids responded :)

Note: On Tempo Workouts the times range is for the guys (like 30-32") and then the next time is for the women (like 35") and is usually on one time with no range. "=seconds, '=minutes for those not used to those symbols.
*Also, here is a link to Utube Jump Squat for those not familiar with that exercise> > >JUMP SQUAT >

Week # 2... 9/5-9/10
Period: Preparation Phase: Power-Speed Mesocycle: 1 Microcycle: 2
Monday: 9/5

No Track Workout Today
Explosive Strength “A” Workout (see at bottom of post)

Tuesday: 9/6
Warmup "B"
2 Laps w/Accels on Straights
“A” Skip...2 x 30m
Right Fast Leg...1 x 30m
Left Fast Leg...1 x 30m
Alternate Fast Leg...1 x 30m
HighKnee.....1x 30m
Buttkickers....1x 20m

Activators: “B”
GluteHam SL Marches x 30t
Glute-SL Hip Ext. x 15each
Claw Drill Doubles x 3e
Lead Leg Plow x 20e

Core: “A”
Superman 2 x 12
MBT Crunch 2 x 20

Multi-Jump/Throw: “A”
MB OHB x 4, MB BTLF x 4
Ankle Flips 1 x 10 w/30”
Tuck Jumps 2 x 5 w/30”

Ext. Tempo: “A”
100-150-100-150, 150-100-150-100 =1100mTotal (30”45” &3’)
Goal Times: 15.5/17.3, 23/26

CoolDown: “A”
1 Lap on Grass
Lunge Stretch
LeadLegPlow x 20t
Scorpions x 5e

Wednesday: 9/7
Warm-up: “A”
2 Laps w/Accels on Straight
“A” Skip...2 x 30m
Quick Skip...2 x 30m
Right Fast Leg...2 x 30m
Left Fast Leg...2 x 30m
Alternate Fast Leg...2x30m
High Knee Running...2x30m
ButtKickers...2 x 20m
Accelerations: 2 x 60m

Activators: “A”
GluteBridge w/SL Kicks x 15e
SL HamButtkicks afap x 15e
Lead Leg Plow x 15each
Scorpions x 5 each
HurdleSeatChange x 5e
FrontLegSwing x 10 each
SideLegSwing x 10 each

Core: “B”
Prone Elbow Plank: 10e x FlexKnee Hip Lift
Prone Glute Raise x 12e
Alt Toe Reach Crunch x 40t
Sprint Stance: “H” Drill 2 x 5e

Acceleration: Sled Pulls
3 x 30m w/ 5’ hips Tall Start
1 x 60 w/Flying 30+30mHold

Explosive Strength “B” Workout (see bottom of post)

Thursday: 9/8
Warm-up: “B”
2 Laps w/Accels on Straights
“A” Skip...2 x 30m
Right Fast Leg...1 x 30m
Left Fast Leg...1 x 30m
Alternate Fast Leg...1 x 30m
HighKnee....1x 30m

Activators: “B”
GluteHam SL Marches x 20t
Crab Kicks x 20e
Claw Drill Doubles x 3e
Hurdle Seat Change x 5e

Core: “A”
Superman 2 x 15
MBT Crunch 1 x 25

Multi-Jump/Throw: “B”
MB SquatToss x 2, MB Kneeling ChestToss x3
Standing LJ x 3
5 DL Bounds x 4

Ext. Tempo: “B”
300-250-300-250-300 w/2.5’ &3’
Goal Times: 250>40-42/46

CoolDown: “A”
1 Lap on Grass
Lunge Stretch
LeadLegPlow x 20t
Scorpions x 5e Warm-up: “C”

Explosive Strength Workout "A"
Jump Squat 3 x 5
Clean Deadlift 3 x 2 (Heavy)
BB Push Press 3 x 5
Box Drop w/ Stick 3 x 3 alternated w/Squats
Stability Ball Russian Twist 1 x 12 each way

Explosive Strength Workout "B"
Clean Pulls w/Jump 3 x 4 (Clusters)
Romanian Deadlift 3 x 6 (Med.)
DB Clean & Press 3 x 6
Box Drop w/Vert. Jump 3 x 2, Alternate w/Deadlift
Single Leg Russian Twist 1 x 12 each leg
SL DB Curl (alt)2 x 10 each leg

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In order for successful acceleration mechanics to be performed, the sprinter must execute a technically efficient and powerful start, so as to allow for the optimal body lean and posture necessary for a sound entry into the acceleration phase.

The role of Strength/Power Training in all phases of the sprint race cannot be underestimated. Any discussion of Acceleration Mechanics specific to teaching sprinters to properly execute the Acceleration Phase of the sprint race must take into account the relationship between proper mechanics and the strength/power required to do so.

In “The Mechanics of Sprinting and Hurdling” (Dr. R. Mann, self published, 2007), Dr. Ralph Mann points out several elemental relationships between strength and the ability to be more mechanically efficient or productive in the various areas/phases of the sprint race.

Dr. Mann cites three specific examples of this Strength/Mechanical Efficiency relationship affecting a proper Sprint Start and the ability to perform a successful acceleration phase.

1) Greater strength allows for the athlete to produce greater horizontal forces in the Start (pg. 52).

2) Greater horizontal force produced at the Start allows for the sprinter to stay lower at the Start (pg.52).

3) Success in the short sprint race is determined by the ability of the sprinter to generate great amounts of explosive strength at the proper time. (pg. 91).

Mann’s analysis of sprinters found that weaker athletes tend to “pop up” during the Start because lesser amounts of horizontal force produced at the Start creates the need for the athlete to move the center of gravity vertically in order to maintain balance.

Given the need for the “falling or leaning” body position to properly execute a successful acceleration phase, block start mechanics must be incorporated into the drills used in teaching proper acceleration mechanics.

Glen Mills, coach of Usain Bolt and many world-class sprinters, alluded to the role of strength in the acceleration phase (termed Drive by many coaches) in an interview where he echoed the statements by Dr. Mann; “…the athlete has to stay in the crouch position while developing maximum power. If the athlete does not have the strength to carry the drive phase long enough then it has to be aborted so he can go into the transition earlier.”

Incorporation of relevant MAXIMUM STRENGTH (also termed Static), EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH (also termed Dynamic) AND ELASTIC STRENGTH development exercises into the overall sprint-training program cannot be argued in view of the proven interdependence between Strength and the ability to optimally perform the proven principals of Sprint Mechanics in all phases of the short sprint race.

Since Part 4 of this Acceleration Article will deal with Elastic Strength (or Plyometric Training), this section will focus on Maximum Strength and Explosive Strength Training exercises proven to be relevant to proper execution of Start, Acceleration and Maximum Velocity phases of the sprint race.

Both Maximum Strength and Explosive Strength exercises must be used in order to address both Intramuscular and Intermuscular coordination factors. Through the proper mixing of Maximum and Explosive Strength exercises, Recruitment, Rate Coding and Synchronization can be optimally developed through use of exercises that coordinate the amount of force, speed of movement and precision of movement patterns applicable to effective sprint mechanics. Use of exercises that cover the entire Force-Velocity Curve, with an emphasis on moving the curve to left over time, cannot be done with a proper mix of Maximum, Explosive and Elastic Strength exercises.

There seems to be a considerable amount of confusion among coaches about the need for Maximum Strength exercises to be included with Explosive Strength exercises in the training of sprinters. The idea that lifting heavy loads in a relatively slow manner is of no use to the high speed movements of sprinters needs to revisited in light of the specific research findings provided in “Strength and Power in Sport”, (P.V. Komi, IOC Medical Commission, 1992). Some of these specific findings are listed below.

1) High threshold Fast Twitch Glycolytic (FTb) Muscle Units are NOT recruited UNTIL force exceeds 90% of Maximum Strength (pg. 250).

2) Training with high velocity movements increases high velocity strength (pg. 263).

3) The load to be overcome and the movement time are the main factors in developing Rate of Force Development. If the load to be overcome is light, IRFD (Initial Rate of Force Development) predominates. If the load to be overcome is high, then MRFD (Maximum Rate of Force Dev.) predominates. For movements with a duration of 250ms or less (sprinting), BOTH IRFD and MRFD are the main factors (pg. 381).

4) Maximal Strength and Power are not distinct entities. Maximum Strength is the basic quality that influences power performance (pg. 383).

5) Improvements in Power have been shown to result from high intensity strength training, jump training under increased stretching loads and movement specific exercises requiring muscular coordination training (pg. 384, 385).

6) The use of training methods involving, maximal and near maximal contractions, cause a remarkable increase in RFD accompanied by an increase in movement speed (pg. 392).

7) RFD directed training should take precedence in the Preparation Phases but not be completely eliminated at any time of the training year (pg. 392).

Understanding the neural adaptations to the various strength training methods will allow for an intelligent selection of specific exercises and their proper integration into the overall training plan of each individual.

Strength/Power Training Plans must address the training age of the individuals within the sprint group. Beginning/Novice sprinters require different considerations than Intermediate and Advanced athletes. For example, research shows that Maximum Strength increases will also lead to increases in Power and the ability to generate force at fast speeds, especially in less experienced athletes. Training plans for Beginning/Novice athletes should contain more emphasis on Maximum Strength development and the teaching of proper lifting mechanics.